Current Monthly Thoughts and Comments

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August 2nd - Thought 01

Each thought a potential person.

August 2nd - Thought 02

August 3rd - Thought 01

The Jews are essentially metaphysical footsoldiers.

August 3rd - Thought 02

August 4th - Thought 01

Everything we do we should really speak about it three times.

August 4th - Thought 02

The greedy grovelling ignoble Asiatic! True or False?

The Westerner as football hooligan? The ugly American true or false?.

August 4th - Thought 03

If you want to kill your spirit have a career.

August 5th - Thought 01

Aim is to help the egotistical f@ckers over the cliff.

August 5th - Thought 02

Exploring the Hungarian depths of my soul negation and counting location and sonication and abnegation and finally sublation.

August 5th - Thought 03

Exploring the universality of human form.

August 5th - Thought 04

Powerful need to detach from the human race.

August 5th - Thought 05

When travelling, memories develop a deeper beauty.

August 6th - Thought 01

I have no extraneous designs upon the world.

August 6th - Thought 02

You relinquish the ego, you move to the realm of pure in a geisha the crystal Krishnamurti verse.

August 6th - Thought 03

When you travel, the world comes alive.

August 6th - Thought 04

In fact, memories come alive too.

August 6th - Thought 05

So there is a possibility of the ego being deconstructed.

August 6th - Thought 06

So the age of 16 I read the book that spoke Zarathustra and it comes down from the top of the mountain with an eagle and a snake in each hand.

August 6th - Thought 07

So the simulation is the totalized consummation of male and female consciousness.

August 6th - Thought 08

So the age of 16 I read the book that spoke Zarathustra and it comes down from the top of the mountain with an eagle and a snake in each hand.

August 6th - Thought 09

Haru Land

August 7, Thought 01

Excepting your inside a simulation join together religion history psychology and philosophy.

August 7, Thought 02

Obviously no capital group and technology.

August 7, Thought 03

You could say monotheism is coercive idealism.

August 7, Thought 04

So you call it centralising the project.

August 7, Thought 05

You call it centralising the project.

August 7, Thought 06

Essentially male consciousness becomes rhubarb and then the male has to be born again through the woman.

August 7, Thought 07

So a simulation is the totalised consummation of male and female consciousness.

August 7, Thought 08

Very vibrant thoughts today over centuries in the linear male and female consciousness interacts and eventually creates as a byproduct autonomous forces so example the idea of one God is really an attempt to create a filament between the male and the female.

August 7, Thought 09

A visit to Hiroshima is really a pilgrimage to the core of your own consciousness so instead of a phony little filament that blows out with the slightest power surge do you have the plasmic flow of Hiroshima.

August 7, Thought 10

What would happen if a human had 100% self reflectivity.

August 7, Thought 11

Japan is a country of corners and cul-de-sacs.

August 7, Thought 12

A poem is merely a symptom of the world being within.

August 7, Thought 13

I needed to walk along the crumbling cliff of the ego until reaching the magic overhang.

August 7, Thought 14

It’s self affective moment is a life.

August 7, Thought 15

Was each moment it’s going to be polluted or impregnated by either an image or a word or some centralised fourth.

August 7, Thought 16

Mate you’re busy nonjudgemental form of synchronised activity.

August 7, Thought 17

Online since 1933 God has been unemployed.

August 7, Thought 18

Abandon the world of the senses for the true in the world.

August 8, Thought 01

The soul is the realm of pure phenomena.

August 8, Thought 02

Mine is the realm of impure phenomena.

August 8, Thought 03

Because the body is simplistically the body but also desire.

August 8, Thought 04

So we have negation she’s revealing and we have positivity which is not revealing.

August 8, Thought 05

Monolingualism is naming.

August 8, Thought 06

Bilingualism is renaming.

August 8, Thought 07

Trilingualism is really reincarnation that is the annihilation of the body by the mind of the annihilation of the mind by the body.

August 8, Thought 08

Physiologically, the dominant culture is now having a trilingual route and they are essentially trying to control the totality of the human and self-reflective project.

August 8, Thought 09

Traditional holy sites are really just graveyards of imagination.

August 8, Thought 10

The Nietzschean project is to turn the world into thought.

August 8, Thought 11

Japan is just a mirage.

August 8, Thought 11

So the consumer society was really to see if men can live with women and develop their self reflectively to the highest level.

August 8, Thought 12

Tribalism in the 21st-century.

August 8, Thought 13

To prove itself masculine consciousness must go to extremes and attempt to remain there.

August 8, Thought 14

In 1933 irrevocably the state replace God so how do we coexist now?

August 8, Thought 15

The West is a spiritual void materialistic enterprise because the spirit was avoid from the get go!

August 8, Thought 16

Said before as an older man I’ve got a choice:
A. I start a war.
B. Fall in love with a younger woman.
C. Ritualize my life.
D. Start a spiritual movement.

August 8, Thought 17

The 20th century was basically an expurgation of male consciousness.

August 8, Thought 18

The central language represents the reborn.

August 9, Thought 01

Social consciousness goes out into the world and returns with the world; this is the totalized self-reflective day, obviously beyond the hunting instinct of the animal.

August 9, Thought 02

Not a religion but an SRM.

August 9, Thought 03


August 9, Thought 04

Middle-class and sexually those who do not realize that their consciousness consists of modes of annihilation.

August 10, Thought 01

Essentially 2500 years ago call ya space is really wrong the human decided to go for the total solution with everything belongs to God but now we know that everything belongs to the human and the state is now God.

August 10, Thought 02


August 10, Thought 03

So there are of course three modes of totalization: Semitic mode, Chinese mode, and the Aryan – and of course, nobody wants to hear this.

August 10, Thought 04

Say basically what do I do see you when I collapse the world back onto my own body through contradiction.

August 10, Thought 05

So we have to comprehend modes absolute contradictions which is really close season medic God slated time and then they need a valve so they need a prophet.

August 12, Thought 01

So existence is superior to essence which means more central so how about we concretize existence and concretize essence that's already been done.

August 12, Thought 02

They need to harbor the energy of that in the world.

August 12, Thought 03


August 12, Thought 04


August 13, Thought 01

We will start.

August 13, Thought 02

Because the other Japanese IPO.

August 13, Thought 03

Westerners AirPower.

August 13, Thought 04


August 13, Thought 05

Settle for nothing less than the entire.

August 13, Thought 06


August 13, Thought 07


August 16, Thought 01


August 17, Thought 01

True nature of emptiness needs to be elucidated.

August 17, Thought 02

So women experience phenomena as feeling miles as just junction and then contradiction and then synthesis and then simulation.

August 17, Thought 03

The teachers eventually get on the same wavelength as a student.

August 17, Thought 04

What about centrality of purpose between the teacher and the student?

August 17, Thought 05


August 20, Thought 01

The word is the dawn of a new world.

August 20, Thought 02


August 20, Thought 03


August 20, Thought 04

政治会と言うのは、団体意識を作る休暇挨拶すること It's only by founding an empire that the human develops their full potential.

August 20, Thought 05


August 20, Thought 06

This is very during the 20th century the human race brains at the airport locker.

August 20, Thought 07

What is the essence of being-globalism?

August 20, Thought 08


August 20, Thought 09

Travel brings memories alive.

August 21, Thought 01

That cataclysmic moment when consciousness breaks in upon itself.

August 21, Thought 02

The woman takes the man’s D for granted.

August 21, Thought 03

Is there a perfect job?

August 21, Thought 04

Going to make a mug realizes that the world can’t be conquered because it doesn’t exist.

August 21, Thought 05


August 21, Thought 07


August 22, Thought 01

Are the most successful cultures those which lock on to particular physiological outlook?

August 22, Thought 02

Religion is now a carcass.

August 22, Thought 03

The spirit is the realm of the counteroffensive.

August 22, Thought 04


August 22, Thought 05

A simulation is a solution to consciousness.

August 23, Thought 01

Religious experience as a flood.

August 23, Thought 02


August 23, Thought 03

A woman has feelings; a man has ideas.

August 23, Thought 04

An asymmetric consequence of self-inflicted weightlessness.

August 23, Thought 05

The highest level of masking self-affection is a raging battle.

August 23, Thought 06

The modern word for religious is total.

August 24, Thought 01

So we have bilingualism in the chasm of freedom.

August 24, Thought 02

Interesting thought that the prospective Japanese Prime Minister uses the phrase "make himself empty" – really what you want is a centralized chasm.

August 24, Thought 03

The cousin method enables the other as being the rest of the world.

August 24, Thought 04

Slowly work consciousness out of the three-dimensional world.

August 24, Thought 05


August 24, Thought 06

What exactly happens when removed from her logic-based environment to a non-logic, going from irrational to rational?

August 24, Thought 07


August 24, Thought 08

Miles of necessity offer different ways of accepting or not accepting the world to their consciousness.

August 25, Thought 01

Ancient world: aggressive men, shy women.

August 25, Thought 02

Modern world: equality.

August 25, Thought 03

Post-modern world: aggressive women, shy men.

August 25, Thought 04

Groundbreaking networking consolidation willpower.

August 25, Thought 05

The ego engages with the physical world and fights – so what’s not to like? Eventually, shouldn’t you win? Shouldn’t your ego win, which means that you internalize the outside world?

Internalization is victory.

August 25, Thought 06

The human ego is like a pop-up tart.

August 26

01: The house of in a light slightly corny name that works.

02: The ultimate aim of life is to become self reflectively aware of your own soul to fill out your own soul.

03: Most male egos are a prison - so a prison guard god is required.

August 27

01: Only study to synthesise a new reality.

02: Our consciousness is creating the world.

03: Culture is what holds you in check.

04: Chinese original culture 8 rational elements, one irrational.

This metamorpasized during Tang Dynasty into 1/4/4. 4 X inner irrational, 4 X outer rational, 1 X Uber-irrational.

This metamorpasized during Song Dynasty into 1/4/4. 4 X inner rational, 4 X outer Irrational, 1 X Dynastic.

This metamorpasized during Song Dynasty into 1/4/4. 4 X inner rational, 4 X outer Irrational, 1 X Socialistic.

This metamorpasized into the complete opposite with the overseas Chinese - 1 the absolute self 8 X Irrational.

05: Confucianism is the above x 1/2. That is 1 + 4

This metamorpasized by dropping the 4 X inner rational (embodied) and going with the externalised yet reembodied 4 X outer Irrational, 1 X couple.

06: Communism is 8 irrational plus state.

07: Criminality is 3 irrational elements.

08: Every physiologically successful culture will be some way shape or form totalise Being.

09: Is a leader a maniac in disguise?

10: I live like this to maintain my sense of nobility.

11: Most cannot cope with the depth of the thoughts as even a sense of being petrified.

August 28

01: Is DNA really the twined hands of God yes that’s close enough for govt work.

02: The Chinaman sees this world is smaller than his soup Bowl.

03: Don’t get me started on rice bowls!

04: I thought should involve that is the ability to produce such a thought should evolve until it is tantamount to an act of creation.

05: The self reflective mindset of an Asian Chinaman equates to a neutron bomb all the humans get wiped out of the trees are left alone.

06: Consumerism is communism for the middle classes.

07: Islam is communism for the lower classes.

08: Globalism is communism for the upper classes.

09: Multicultural societies actually compresses and limit our freedom of activity.

10: Greg is broken by the realisation he won’t conquer the world.

11: Does internalise the world mean destroy the world no it means a complete re-surgeons a complete reaffirmation a complete redoing of the world.

12: The above barely gives justice to what I am aware of and that is the creation of conscious extra plasma are being born again but the world being born again not a self.

13: Again a perception of this world and we can then see into this world not each other not pleasure our egos or reaffirm our egos but somewhere for our egos yes an elephants graveyard for our egos excellent! The Grand simulation.

August 29

01: Femininity owns the middle everything else is decoration.

02: Tell Tabs about the nature of inducing ego A/B and also inducing a nervous breakdown through dialogue and also recovery.

03: I didn’t discover the middle for no reason.

04: The ego is whispering death.

05: True Chinese philosophy is the critical nature of innet realms of thought.

06: None of these guys realise that he goes like a tree swaying in the breeze back-and-forth you have to try and stop your tree swaying.

07: There’s inside the whale and then there is between the whales teeth!

08: The fight for freedom is three levels three layers of tragedy.

09: The ego is essentially an infestation of false notions.

10: Each generation brings their own unique flavour of naivete to the table.

11: So I thought appears coalesces and then evanesces and it’s a complete plasmic world in and all that self.

12: If our consciousness includes the world so be it.

13: Biggest question… Can we maintain the centrality of the human project?

14: Culture in essence is the concretisation of rhythm.

15: The rational realm involves circularity.

16: Irrational realm involves intensity.

17: After agriculture contradiction after contradiction the eye of the needle commences.

18: Essentially what am I doing in Japan what do I intend to do hence 24 based my goose!

August 30

01: So we have the inability of the Anglo-Saxon which is really fragility but self reflectively concretise through will you have the five levels.

02: With the Chinese this compressed nobility is turned into a five layer value system.

03: Sonic culture in essence the totalise expurgation female consciousness after assimilation and synchronisation and intensification and permeation that is to say total exploration.

04: The world is a completely open space.

05: Terrorism is the materialist corollary to spirituality or a belief system or self-awareness.

06: When the woman becomes pregnant where does the father go?

07: Bullet essence the father should go into the dark forest and find it centrepoint The Color Purple.

08: Thereupon there is rebirth.

09: One absolute thought is a brief concretisation a Hershey bar for a metaphysical POW.

10: For the Chinaman the stomach is the mind.

11: For the Westerner the mind is a stomach.

12: The desired Christian approach is to create a task force to intensify the invisible twin code that with simile cannot be encoded.

13: The human mind is a contradiction of what is.

14: The bulk of the Chinese well really that 300 million the glove puppets for globalism and the rest are just the abandon portion of throwaway packaging.

15: Freedom is what can cause things to happen to a guy like Wade Wilson who can’t play chess.

16: I’m just get the job done guy!

17: 発明力がたっぷりある国に入ってみましょうか?

18: It’s the left side of your brain is talking to the right side you’re lying to the other person is the right side is lying to the left side you’re lying to yourself.